I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas
That one is takin ya back, eh?
So let's review My Xmas and birthday. One big, happy post.
Christmas Eve I was the stand in Door Wench at Tootsy's. Not a big deal, didn't really have much else to do. Most of My family are in NY or on the west coast. So I dolled Myself up in My XXXmas best and even danced a bit before wenching, because there was only one dancer when I arrived. Oi...

I was truly channeling Mrs Claus... it was the one time I felt ok with My haircut.
I'm not really used to covering on weekends, so the shitty attitude of "BAWW I DON'T WANNA PAY SEVEN WHOLE DOLLARS TO SEE BOOBS BAWWWW!" was fucking annoying. Especially one toolbox who decided to try to take My picture before running out the door. He's lucky he had shitty aim or he'd be a dead fucker. Grrrr. I am not beyond using a sharpened candy cane to shank yer ass, buddy.
It wasn't a bad night. We had fun. For the most part, people were doin the whole Xmas Giving thing so I didn't walk out empty handed. All of the brownies I made were well received. Wheee!
Christmas Day I spent with one of My favorite former coworkers from the old, Less Glamorous Job. Her family is epic and we had a blast. I miss My old retail fambly LOL!
Onto the true holiday! My birthday!! :D :D
It was windy as fuck outside, and rather Not Warm for this damned state. But it's the first year it didn't spite Me with rain on My day. Wifey picked Me up and took Me for some sushi! We took it to go and headed to Tootsy's.
When I got there, Keith and Hazel had such a surprise waiting! A berjillion balloons erupted to the ceiling, champagne was waiting there, on ice, a kitty cat cake that was nomtastic, the most adorable card, a Jets pin, and a STUNNING Jets jacket. I squeeeee'd a lot. A whole lot. Here's a few shite pics from My phone:

Last minute, Wifey, Hazel, and I went to Farvilla. We got Me this gown to wear for My day, this dress for New Year's, and a birthday tiara that lit up! :D
It was a grand night. Sunday's are often slow money nights, but the fun was just everywhere! Hazel, Wifey, Lexi, even Serena... it was a blast. I was really hating My haircut but I didn't let it get to Me.
A very awesome certain someone came in and brought Me champagne, chocolate, and the most adorable puppy card EVER. Between us and Viror, it was nerd central at the bar. Firefly talk for all! HUZZAH! Pictures of Me nomming said chocolate to come!
To end this post, have some pics of how I did on stage and My awesome balloons:

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