365 Days Of Photos: Day 063

Sick stripper is sick. Been out from work for almost 2 weeks! Ugh... And man am I just a big baby when I'm sick! All I want to do is curl up in bed and be pampered. :(

And yes, I am sportin a sweater in this picture. A sweater. In Florida. Yup. I get cold VERY easily. Always have! Even though I spent most of My life in New York, I have always been 8 kinds of cranky once it's under 70 degrees. And air conditioning kills Me! If I'm in a very cooled room for too long, I get ear aches and sore throats and just general BLAH. So here I was, sick AND cold... in a comfy sweater that I had to unpack from the Winter Clothes boxes. It's a good thing I never threw them out when I moved south!


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