Sports Gives Me Girl Wood

I love My teams, SO much. I'd love to rock logo stuff at work. So look at the awesomeness I've found!

I could get a Yankees bra! But do I want white or black? Or both?

Put that with these...
And then I could get some Jets sets just like those. Bra and thong.

Alas, that site doesn't have NHL stuff!

Victoria's Secret has these undies, but nothing to match them. At least, nothing I can use at work/for shoots.

Hmm... what else?

There's an official NY Rangers bikini, but it's full back, not thong. Alas...

Same for My Jets...

But OMG this is sexy as fuck!

This rocks too. Holy shit.

And a corset outfit. Sweet!

Mmmmm sexy Jets gear! Win!

The downside? That person doesn't seem to have NHL or MLB stuff. Hmm...


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