Got My Geek On: A MegaCon Review

Every year, I haul ass out to Orlando for MegaCon. I unleash My inner Geek. I shop till I drop, I become a squealing fangirl, and I support My artistically talented pals. This year was no exception.
My yearly tradition is to have My super awesome pals, Jennie, and Nigel, sign My boobs. I also greet said Jennie with a vigorous shaking of the boobs in question. This year they had to share one boob, since the other is newly inked. Oops! But they managed rather well. If you don't know who they are, Jennie has a delightful webcomic called The Devil's Panties, and Nigel is a badass pirate with some amazing art.
I also got to see another great guy I know, Tommy, who is also an amazing artist. He was busy every time I passed by, so I didn't get to pester him this year. :(
One major highlight of the con was meeting and posing with John DeLancie, Brent Spiner, and Levar Burton, as you can see by the photo in this post. They were SO amazing. I've always loved those guys. Best part? Before the photo was taken, they took a moment to discuss My boobs. I win! I win at life! I had a total nerdgasm. I shoulda goosed them. Heh.
Another huge deal for Me was having the amazing Doug Sneyd sketch Me in a book of his comics that I bought. That is such an honor! I've been on Cloud 9 ever since. I've been a fan of his work since I was a wee lass.
I spied a lot of really nice costumes this year, but far fewer than years past. Someday I shall get all done up as some character or another, but I have no idea who, and when I will do this. I doubt I'd have anything done in time for DragonCon this year.
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