Sundays are about Arts And Crafts around here. Sometimes I'll blog about My own creations. Some days I'll highlight the work of others. Today we're gonna talk about dicks. Have you ever woken up, fresh-faced and ready for the world, and thought to yourself... "Self, today I'd like to masterfully color in a penis that looks incredibly not unlike a giraffe!" Same. In fact, that's pretty much me every day. Dick giraffes, dick dragons, dick narwhals. Guys! Sending dick pics is SO passé! Send dick art for us to color in. MUCH better! Guess what, y'all? Now you can color in phallic things to your pretty little heart's desire, all thanks to a wonderful friend* of Mine, Aeo. Aeo has gifted the world with The Dick Doodler, an adult coloring book, that comes in 2 sizes (Some day's you want a big dick , some days you might be a lil tender so go for a smaller dick . You don't have to be a size queen. There's no shame ...