
Showing posts from November, 2011

Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your mouth

The internet has emboldened some serious asshats. Now, they have the Anonymity Backbone to email/post/IM/PM random women and ask the age old question... "Wanna fuck?" And the resounding "no!" that is generated by millions of women across the globe? I believe that energy is harnessed and used to keep the interwebs going. No, really. So this post us dedicated to all ya'll dudes that think it's clever to ask us chicks such a STUPID question. You wanna fuck? Ok lemme tell ya when that's gonna happen! We're gonna fuck: When My vagina detaches itself from My body, becoming sentient, and decides it has a thing for creepy random dudes. When I give up on the rational fear of STDs. Rational fear never matches My favorite shoes anyway. When My only other options for intercourse partners are the weird homeless dude that looks like Einstein , Dr Cox , and an ostrich (he really exists!) had a collision of reproductive DNA, and a wild pig. (welcome to Florida, fol...

She's a whooty... a white girl with a booty...

Since some jerkoff on Facebook decided to report My amazing booteh pics, I'm forced to post them here, and here alone for the time being. So without further adieu... ass pics!

I want your drama, the touch of your hand...

Today I found myself discussing romance twice. The first time, a coworker and I debated the current health status of romance. She says that it's dead. I say it's usually just comatose. Later on in the day, someone else gave Me the assignment to list some things that I think are romantic. So here we are. Gifting was an obvious topic. Don't get Me wrong, I like gifts. Giving and receiving. But there has to be some heart behind it. You can give Me flowers. Ok. You can give me flowers and have a deep love to go with it. Maybe give them on the anniversary of the day we met. Or in remembrance of the first time I said I loved you. Kudos on that idea! You could pick out the specific types of flowers that I love most. This shows that not only do the little details matter, but that you're willing to put effort into romantical stuff. I personally like to send cards. Sure, the romantical ones on birthdays and holidays... but also the Just Cause ones. But it's not really about t...

Talkin bout the questions... the questions ya'll...

Time for the first post of Q & A! I've got 3 queries lined up and ready to go! Q1)How do you approach the subject of asking your significant other if you can explore different things on your own, ie SM, BDSM ect. Yes, being physical would be involved. The reason for wanting to go solo, is there are things that cant be done to the one you love, there needs to be no "attraction" or "feelings" just letting the primal urge take over. Not breaking up so you can go sleep around, and being safe when ever it is done, just letting the wild side come out and relieve the urge to go behind the back to get what you need. If you aren't already in an open relationship, this can be hard to do. I'd be honest about it, but I'd ease into the sexual "physical" aspect of it after you gauge their reaction to the BDSM stuff. You know your partner best. If you think, before even approaching them about any of this, that they aren't the type to be ok with an...

I wanna spoil you 7 days a week...

I love when it creeps closer and closer to the Hollerdays. Why? Cheap makeup and perfume at the various pharmacies! Yaaaaaaay! I recently found, homed in upon, and snagged Spoiled Brat by Wet N Wild . Perfect name, eh? Mmmmm eye shadows! I was drooling at the colors, and the glitter. I couldn't wait to try it out. This is what it looks like in it's palette: And here's the swatches. On the back of my hand are all 3 colors with no base. On the arm area are the same colors, over a base of lotion. The silver is, IMHO, too dark for a highlight shade, at least at the browline. I'm going to continue to use the pearly whites I prefer. The pink is delish, for sure... I've been using it like mad. And I've rocked the glittery black for a smokey look. It's not the most glitterific in the world, but it does sparkle. This pic shows the pink without a base:

I be looking for labels, I aint looking for love

Shopping when you're a stripper is an evolved animal. New qualities, new attitude. Suddenly you look at a bra or thong in new light. Not only do you judge look, comfort, and price, but now you also take into consideration if it will be for work and/or play, how easy it'll be to get off on stage, and if it suits/matches outfits already in your locker. You like that new shade of Healthy Stimulated Clitoris pink nail polish, but will it glow under the black lights? Will it chip off of your toe nails due to your 7 inch heeled Maryjanes? The perfume counter at TJ Nickels has a lovely variety, but which do you like AND will inspire a boner on random strangers? Hell even food shopping can be changed by becoming a stripper. "Oooh I love me some artichoke dip but I can only eat that on Wednesdays cause it's my day off and artichokes give me wicked gas!" We also can't exclude how the cashier at Burger World or Shirtopia look at us when we pay for our purchases (no matte...