
Showing posts from April, 2011

the music to the story in your eyes

Ok kids, let's talk about eye contact in strip clubs. Eyes communicate on their own. In their own way. They are VERY helpful to us dancin ladies. Here are some examples of customer eye messages that need to get lost: Darting your already nervous eyes around the club. This might infer that you don't trust us, you aren't sure if you SHOULD trust us, you think someone in the room is out to get you, or you're a shady creep who is probably looking to commit your 4th homicide. This look, for any and all of it's reasons? Strippers do NOT like it. Don't do it. If you MUST do it to survive? Go to a jewelry store or an airport and try that shit. Much more LULZ. The ever popular "I ain't impressed by dis here broad. I can fuck plenty of chicks hotter than her" smug smirk. With the crossed arms, and the far lean back on the chair. This is the face of a dude who thinks that every single female in the place, employee or not, is looking at him at all times a...

365 Days Of Photos: Days 262 - 268

Yep, another Monday, another attempt at catching up. Boobies! My bewbs are stayin warm at night! Music makes My nipples hard... This is the only way I can be rated G Oops, My bikini string is twisted... Nuff said! Glitteratti Frosty eyes FTW

365 Days Of Photos: Days 256 - 261

More 365 pics for yall! The wind loves to fuck with My hair I tell ya! Do love My Metroid shirt! You should love it too... Rockin some terra cotta and pink shadows Dunno what the fuck My hair was thinking that day, it was rebelling! LOL Man she was perfection... Ya'll should say hi to the ladies!

365 Days Of Photos: Days 247 - 255

As promised, an update on the 365 project! Here's my new wig. Yay! I love how it looks. The wig. Yes there's hair in this picture. LOL! Rockin a bloo Tootsy's shirt! Havin some quality time with Captain Fluffy Pants Jr It means "tiger" Neener neener! Cause guys get so WHINY when I don't use lube... Meow! Can you tell I love this wig?

The sweetest perfection to call my own

To Shop or not to Shop.... or is it Alas, poor face of mine, I shopped her well! Yes I use Photoshop on My images. Cameras are not perfect and neither am I but I damned well want to look like I could be. So a camera makes me look too Caucasian Pink, I adjust the reds vs yellows. I remove blemishes. I take out graininess. ONOES! FALSE ADVERTISING! In a world where an ad for MASCARA shows a woman wearing FAKE LASHES, and swimsuit models are Photoshopped to appear slimmer? I think I'm a minor offender here. Sheesh! And one last think, which may burn bridges, but hey, I'll bring the marshmallows. If you don't like that I am airbrushed, be it by a photographer, an art tech guy who edits for a magazine or website, or Yours Truly...bye bye! There are some rare photos out there on the web that are 100% untouched. Maybe you will find them as you walk into the setting sun, which had its color boosted 75% before it went to print.

shaved her legs and than he was a she

One of My all time favorite fetishes is sissification. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to take a male of the human persuasion, and make him all girly. First, let's discuss WHY I enjoy this. Reason 1: causing humiliation! HUZZAH! Reason 2: Playing dress up and playing makeovers are FUN! This sort of fun should never be limited to young children! Pfft! Reason 3: This goes hand in hand with Reason 2... I am, for this adventure, the Goddess and I am creating a creature in a manner I see fit. Now, lets discuss the other WHY. The why the men and boys come to Me for such things. Some want to be humiliated badly. They are manly men in their vanilla lives, but they want to be degraded down to a lowly whore tramp slut. That can be arranged! The skankiest clothes, the most garish makeup, and the teased up hair. And to drag you out to a sex club or a BDSM club where we could whore you out? S1ome find the humiliation of being labeled a sissy. We doll you up as CUTE as humanly possible and parade you around to...

Nobody holds a candle to me in my red high heels

I often wonder about the future of the stripper shoe. Yep. I dedicate actual brain power to this. What can I say? I love stripper shoes. I love how they look (with some exceptions of course), I love how sexy I feel when wearing them. I love the extra height, the extra curve definition they give Me. They're an important part of My job. An essential part of the "uniform". So where have we gone over the years? The classic pump with the slender, stick heel and the non existent platform was the thing. You didn't need stores specifically for strippers. You could get your heels just about anywhere that sold women's shoes. At some point, the heel gained some height again, and this time the platform was born to keep up with said heel. Clear heels? And platforms? Women were NOT going to wear this to work, if work meant an office, a bank, a store... No no no... these were SPECIFICALLY stripper heels. So now we had to evolve, to change our behavior in order to get the preciou...

365 Days Of Photos: Days 244 - 246
