More dreams to discuss, or at least to put down on e-paper. In the first of the two dreams in question, I was at "Tootsy's" but, as always, it was a completely different looking bar. The stage was a runway only, and the majority of the seating in this small club were the chairs that went around the stage. This dream was short, but the main focus was that I was making VERY good tips on stage. Everyone was just handing over the cash! As it should be... heh! Ron, one of our bouncers, escorted Me off stage to a little back area where I was counting My tips. I was sorting them by bill type. $1s, $5s, $10s, $20s, etc. This is what I usually do. At one point, mid-count, I found a $3 and I laughed. Someone thought it'd be cute to make it and tip Me with it. In dreaming as well as in waking, I found this amusing. Once upon a time, there was a graphic made of a three dollar bill with My face in it, to go along with the phrase "queer as a three dollar bill" so I liked ...