Guess who decided to ramble on about vidya? Huzzah! Gaming! Lately I've been rather hooked on Plants Vs Zombies 2 . It's conveniently on my iPhone, and it's rather fun. I loved the original game , so when I heard about it's sequel...? Oh yeah! VS FIGHT! So to start things off, I played Plants Vs Zombies on the PC. I'm playing Plants Vs Zombies 2 on the above mentioned iPhone. So yeah, there are differences a'plenty. So when I compare the games, keep in mind that I'm not comparing a phone game vs a phone game... One thing I like better about the sequel is the difference in the Adventure Modes. The original game has your basic areas: Day, Night, Pool, Fog, and Roof. Each area has unique challenges, which is fun... but the sequel's areas... aka eras, are much more diverse, fun, and very good looking. Instead of weather and lighting changes, the areas are a variety of time periods. Currently (they add a new area on occasion via app upg...