Every time I speak my mind I'm lyrically critical

Hi! My name is Paige Delaney D'Winter and I love video games! I've been playing video games since I was a wee lass, so probably since about 1980. Yes, I'm that old. Get off my lawn. The first gaming systems I owned as a child were the Colecovision (1982) and the IBM PC Jr (1984). My very first favorite video game was Adventure for the Colecovision. Your character was a square. You fought dragons that kinda looked like ducks. Not a lot of issues with pixelated boobs there, eh? When I was a kid, I was a Super Duper Tom Boy (Deluxe Edition), but I've become quite a... chick, for lack of a better term. If you don't know who I am, I've embraced My femme side and I dove headfirst into the adult entertainment industry at age 18. So needless to say, I've kind of wandered the spectrum as far as how I identified as a biological female. Recently, I've seen all of the chaos that is GamerGate, primaril...