
Showing posts from August, 2011

I'm in yer video game, pokin yer manz

Twitter can lead to odd things, such as this post, which is dedicated to combining the wild world of Pokemon with stripping. Yes. You read that right. LAWL. So.... here's what weirdness insomnia + booze + Twitter + 100 hours of Pokemon Leaf Green can do: If customers were Pokemanz, here's what we'd deal with: Camerupt (the customer we all fear. Get him hot and bothered and he... erupts. Ew.) Combusken (the hot head that is quick to ignite and brawl) Exploud (the big mouth. Always has to talk shit and talk shit loudly) Gastly (total creeper) Grimer (dude needs a shower! AKA not everyone should come to the titty bar directly from work) Kakuna (ew, Harden.) Koffing (you know this guy, with his fatal throat cancer AND the 8lb cigar) Lickitung (the ever popular licker.) Marowak (so boneheaded and thick. Stubborn as hell) Tangela (getting away from his tangle of grabby arms is impossible) What if strippers were Pokemanz? I haven't ma...

365 Days Of Photos: Days 357 - 365

Could it be? The finale for the 365 Project? YES! We made it! Everyone should read really good stuff. These are like textbooks, IMHO. Welcome to Tootsy's! Hur hur, the stripper isle at Walmart? Best nappin place ever? A bit of Azn style! Holy fuck where'd the hairs go? Yep, chopped it all off, for the first time in TWENTY years. Giving My poor hairs a fresh start. Om nom nom cherries. RIP Jani Lane . Check dem lil hairs! Keepin the red around a while I think. And there you have it! A year of images, free of charge, not so free of fun.

365 Days Of Photos: Days 349 - 356

Holy shit I'm back! I've been so busy with the new, non-glamorous job that I've been neglecting this blog. Shame on Me! Perhaps I deserve a spanking, but so few people get that privilege. Heh! So without further ado, pictures! Is that Me rocking pigtails? Hur hur yup! Couldn't stop Myself from coloring My hairs again! Burgundy over brown. Huzzah! Just for fun, some light, pale makeup. New LEI bra! Yummy!!! Bitch be glittery, yo! Daydreaming on the bus. Taking a catnap. Literally. I love this look, the keyhole cleavage. Something kinda sexy about it.